
The Gun Gallery

Mac Dev Cyborg 2004(?) model

Write up on 5-9-07

I still don't have any good pics of this gun and I have owned it now for several months. I had hoped it was going to be the next generation design of the AKA Viking. It really is very similar, replacing the dual lower tubes with a single stacked tube body design. This reduces the weight significantly over the Viking. It has maintained the same dependability as the Viking. I had some issues at times, but mostly due to incompatibility with tanks or low battery problems.

The gun came equipped with an Advantage Paintball Virtue chip. The trigger is not as smooth as the DM5s, but is still very fast. With the Virtue chip, I have learned to adapt this gun to all different styles of play. I have used it in limited paint situations out in big games and also in local speedball events.

It rarely breaks paint and has never required an O-ring change. Maintenance is similar to the Viking, just run a squeegee thru it at the end of the day and everything is fine. One complaint I have is the velocity adjuster on the Mac-Dev regulator is at the very bottom, which is blocked by the macro-line. It is very difficult to change velocity on this reg.

I also had a problem at one point, where the gun would start to "beat down". In rapid fire, it would start to lose velocity quickly. My belief was it was an issue with the paint. After trying several things, I realized the gun would work just fine if I just turned the eyes off.

The black and white color scheme works well for me. I like it better than some of the bright blue guns I have had.

Update- 2-20-09

The gun has been put on the shelf, as I have now replaced it with superior Cyborgs. I guess I should relay information on another problem that the gun developed. Earlier in 2008, while playing in a local rec game, I broke the Halo hoppper feed neck off inside the gun. Originally the gun did not have a clamping feed neck. Since it was a nice clean break at the mount of the feed port of th gun, there was no getting the broken part out. Luckily I had purchased a few months earlier a CCM clamping feedneck for my AKA Excaliber I purchased - it had come with a high rise feed neck. I just utilized that on the borg and everything was great. Then when the Blue Cyborg came along, it had some stupid feed neck with multiple o-rings and some spinny deal. In the end I ripped it off and replaced it with the feedneck from this borg-levaing this gun now without a feed neck. The gun hangs on the wall without the neck and looks very nice. Someday it will become complete again.


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